Antico Warehouse from inside


Antico International is dedicated to consistently upholding its world class quality and safety accreditations.

We have held both the HACCP and SQF2000 food safety accreditations for our Sydney Market facility since 1998. To ensure this exceptional standard is maintained throughout our supply chain, it is a mandatory requirement that all Antico International’s growers and packers hold at least one form of internationally recognised Food Safety accreditation.

Antico International is also currently accredited to both the Woolworths Quality Assurance (WQA) Standard and the Coles Supermarkets Supplier Approval Program.  We consistently pass the monthly reviews and bi-annual independent on-site audits, which these certifications demand in order to maintain these world standard requirements.

Food Safety and Quality Assurance PDF downloads:


Antico International has also installed two NSW Agriculture Interstate Certification Assurance (ICA) arrangements for servicing both the intra and interstate flood spray and fumigation requirements.

  1. ICA02- Flood Spray Dipping with Dimethoate or Fenthion
  2. ICA04- Fumigation with Methyl bromide under a Certification Assurance Arrangement

For more information on ICA arrangements, please click here.

ICA certification PDF downloads